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学费过万 无人机也需要驾照!|博鱼体育app官方网站

发布日期:2024-10-09 06:35浏览次数:
本文摘要:The drone is increasingly a popular item in China and with it, more and more people are considering becoming certified.无人机在国内于是以日益风行,因此更加多的国人考虑到获得驾驶执照。

The drone is increasingly a popular item in China and with it, more and more people are considering becoming certified.无人机在国内于是以日益风行,因此更加多的国人考虑到获得驾驶执照。However, becoming a certified drone pilot is not easy. It can cost a maximum of 27,000 yuan and requires two demanding tests involving knowledge of mathematics, physics and geography.不过,想要沦为无人机持证驾驶员并不更容易。考据费用最低平均2.7万元,且须要参与两项牵涉到数学、物理和地理知识的严苛测试。By the end of June, 5,047 people in China held a drone certificate, according to statistics from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA).航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(AOPA)的数据表明,截至今年6月底,全国有5047人持有人无人机驾驶证。

The training fees for a pilot range from 12,000 yuan to 24,000 yuan, and for a pilot-in-command from 24,000 yuan to 27,000 yuan, according to EWATT Technology, which provides drone training.获取无人机培训的易瓦特科技股份有限公司称之为,无人机驾驶员培训费为1.2-2.4万元,机长培训费为2.4-2.7万元。Not everyone needs a certificate to fly a drone; if a drone weighs less than 7 kg, if it is flown indoors or in sparsely populated areas, then a certificate is not required, the AOPA says.AOPA回应,并非所有人都须要考据才能操纵无人机。操纵7公斤以下无人机,在室内或非人口稠密区操纵无人机,则不用考据。

Drones are still risky, and can be dangerous if flown with inexperience, in a bad weather, or illegally.无人机仍旧是具备风险的,如果飞行中经验不足,或是天气险恶,又或是非法飞行中就不会十分危险性。In 2015, a staff member from Beijing UAV Sci-Tech Co, was sentenced to 18 months in jail after a drone from the company disrupted commercial flights.2015年,北京国遥星图航空科技有限公司的一名员工,就因操控该公司的一架无人机阻碍了商业航班而被被判18个月的有期徒刑。



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