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发布日期:2024-10-18 06:35浏览次数:
本文摘要:Oracle has suffered another black eye over security flaws in its widely used Java software, as the US tech company on Monday settled a regulatory charge that it had deceived computer users about the safety of the software.甲骨文(Oracle)因旗下使用者众多的Java软件不存在的安全漏洞而再度挫败。

Oracle has suffered another black eye over security flaws in its widely used Java software, as the US tech company on Monday settled a regulatory charge that it had deceived computer users about the safety of the software.甲骨文(Oracle)因旗下使用者众多的Java软件不存在的安全漏洞而再度挫败。周一,这家美国科技企业与监管机构就后者明确提出的一项指控达成协议妥协。这项指控称之为,甲骨文在Java软件的安全性问题上愚弄了电脑用户。

Java was singled out by Larry Ellison, the company’s chairman, as the key asset in his 2010 purchase of server maker Sun Microsystems. The software, which makes possible many features of web browsing, has since become an important weapon in Oracle’s arsenal against other tech companies. It prompted a partially successful lawsuit against Google’s Android mobile operating system that critics warn could have far-reaching effects in the tech world.2010年,在并购服务器制造商太阳微系统(Sun Microsystems)时,甲骨文董事长拉里埃利森(Larry Ellison)曾把Java酌出来作为一项关键资产。自那以来,这一承托众多网页网页功能的软件已沦为甲骨文对付其他科技企业的最重要武器之一。

甲骨文据此发动了针对谷歌(Google) Android移动操作系统的法律诉讼,并在一定程度上输掉了这场官司。抨击人士警告称之为,这场官司或对科技界产生深远影响。But security weaknesses in Java, dating from long before Oracle’s acquisition, have also made the software a problem for the company. In the worst incident, a number of leading tech companies, including Apple and Facebook, revealed in 2013 that attackers had used flaws in the software to penetrate their systems.不过,Java不存在的安全漏洞也令其该软件沦为甲骨文的一大麻烦。

这些安全漏洞可追溯至甲骨文并购太阳微系统之前很幸。2013年,还包括苹果(Apple)和Facebook在内的多家顶尖科技企业透露,攻击者利用Java不存在的漏洞攻陷了它们的系统,这是Java安全漏洞造成的最相当严重的事件。On Monday, the Federal Trade Commission accused Oracle of deceiving consumers over the degree to which updating the Java software to newer, safer versions protects their computers from attack. The complaint relates to the Java Standard Edition, which is installed on more than 850m PCs, the regulator said.周一,美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,全称FTC)指控甲骨文并未真实情况告诉他用户将Java软件升级至改版、更加安全性版本能在多大程度上维护用户电脑免遭反击。

该监管机构回应,这一指控牵涉到的是Java标准版(Java Standard Edition),它加装在逾8.5亿台个人电脑上。According to the complaint, Oracle did not warn computer users that updating Java does not automatically remove older — and less secure — versions of the software, with only the most recent version being deleted. That left millions of users exposed to attacks, including having the usernames and passwords of their financial accounts stolen, the regulator said.该指控称之为,甲骨文并未警告电脑用户升级Java并不自动去除更加杨家(从而安全性更差)版本的Java,去除的只是最近版本的Java。该监管机构回应,这造成数百万用户曝露在反击之下,他们财务账号的用户名和密码可能会遭盗取。The problem continued even though Oracle “was aware of the insufficiency of its update process” in 2011, the FTC said.FTC回应,尽管甲骨文在2011年“已知悉其升级流程不存在的严重不足”,但这个问题仍然不存在。

“When a company’s software is on hundreds of millions of computers, it is vital that its statements are true and its security updates actually provide security for the software,” Jessica Rich, director of the FTC’s consumer protection bureau, said.FTC消费者维护局局长杰茜卡里奇(Jessica Rich)回应:“当一家公司的软件加装在数亿台电脑上时,十分最重要的一点是,该公司的声明要现实、其安全更新要为该软件获取贯彻的安全性确保。”Under a consent agreement announced on Monday, Oracle has been ordered to notify consumers who are updating Java if they have older versions of the software on their machines and give them option to uninstall it.按照周一发布的一份协议,甲骨文被拒绝警告正在升级Java的用户他们电脑上否装有更加杨家版本的Java,并向他们获取修理该版本的选项。

Oracle declined to comment on the charge.甲骨文拒绝接受就该指控置评。



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